Preparing for a miracle is a one-man show in which catastrophe and magic combine to tell the story of the improbable and initiatory quest of Ulysses-despite-himself. Trapped on this large empty stage, the character is constantly subjected to new trials that defy all the rules of common sense. This seemingly straightforward show gradually shifts into a poetic and funny universe where the world has stopped working as it should.
This family-friendly show is the company’s first creation designed for large stages. Every aspect of the theatre – its architecture, its objects, its sounds – is used in this production, becoming a medium for the play that runs aground at the heart of the fiction, until the audience no longer knows where reality ends and the show begins.
I wanted to ground this creation – however magical – in reality and in the simplest of things: a theatre and its artifices.
Marc Oosterhoff
By and with Marc Oosterhoff
Cie Moost
with the support of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès in the frame of its programme Transforme
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Comédie de Genève
Les 2 Scènes, scène nationale de Besançon
Théâtre du Jura, Saison Culturelle CO2 Bulle
Loterie Romande
Canton de Vaud
Fondation Ernst Göhner
Fonds culturel de la SSA – danse
Fondation Leenaards
Fondation Porosus
Société coopératice Migros Vaud
Théâtre Forum Meyrin
31 October to 12 November 2023 Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
16-17-18 November 2023 Festival Transforme – Paris, at the Théâtre de la Cité internationale in the frame of the Festival Transforme – Paris initiated by the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès
7 to 15 December 2023 La Comédie de Genève
23-26 January 2024 Les 2 Scènes, Scène nationale de Besançon
3-4 February 2024 Nebia, Bienne
25-26 April 2024 Le Manège, scène nationale de Reims
Teaser produced by Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne